Call for Special Sessions (SpS)
The goal of these special sessions is to provide a forum for focused discussions on new technical and multidisciplinary topics and provide opportunities for audience engagement.
Special Session will be mainly evaluated on the following criteria:
- Special Sessions must be participatory and shall propose an interactive format such as fishbowls, campfires, Orca Bowl challenges, design sprints, workshops etc. Opportunities for audience participation in the discussion must be demonstrated. Standard formats such as panels will not be considered.
- Special Sessions must be multidisciplinary and demonstrate transversal aspects, as well as cutting-edge topics. Proposals must be submitted in one of the symposium topics.
Special Session proposals must be submitted online at
Deadline: 7 February 2025 (23:59 CET)
Call for Abstracts
The Call for Abstracts is a precursor to a subsequent submission of a final paper, which may be presented at the 76th IAC. Authors are invited to submit an abstract regarding an original, unpublished paper that has not been submitted in any other forum. Papers can be submitted for either formal oral presentation or interactive presentation.
All selected papers will be treated as equally important in the presentation sessions and Congress Proceedings, differing only in the format of the presentation sessions (in other words, Oral Presentation papers will NOT be considered more important than Interactive Presentation papers).
Abstracts must be submitted online at by 28 February 2025 (23:59 CET) and shall fit into one of the following IAC Categories:
- A. Science and Exploration – Systems sustaining missions, including life, microgravity, space exploration, space debris and SETI
- B. Applications and Operations – On-going and future operational applications, including earth observation, communication, navigation, human space endeavors and small satellites
- C. Technology – Common technologies to space systems including astrodynamics, structures, power and propulsion
- D. Infrastructure – Systems sustaining space missions including space system transportation, future systems and safety
- E. Space and Society – Interaction of space with society including education, policy and economics, history and law, space security and sustainability, space arts, planetary defense and NEO, in-space design and AI, emerging space ecosystems.
Deadline: 28 February 2025 (23:59 CET)