Centre National de la Cartographie et de la Télédétection (CNCT)
Research and Development • Member since 1996
The National Remote Sensing Centre: a public institution in the core of geographical information. Since the beginning of 2004, the CNCT engaged a strategic step going in parallel with the widening of CNCT’s attributions to topography and cartography (basic and thematic). Our center wants to be within the reach of all the community operating in the field of geographical sciences. It reflects the ambitious program undertaken by the Centre, which envisages the continuation of research on the erosion, the water resources, the coastal zone, the effects of the drought and desertification, taking care that orientations thus identified converge with the national priority programs.
B.P. 200 - Route de Marsa
2045 Aouina
Tunisia - 00216 71 761 333
- cnt@defense.tn
- http://www.cnct.gov.ma/