Astronauts Administrative Committee (AAC)
Committee Members
See all members
Vice-Chair for Active astronauts
Vice-Chair for Veteran astronauts
Vice-Chair for Astronaut candidates
Vice-Chair for Commercial astronauts
Vice-Chair for Suborbital astronauts
IAF Press Conference: inauguration of the IAF Astronauts Administrative Committee (IAF AAC) – 05.10.2023, IAC 2023, Baku
The International Astronautical Federation (IAF) and the Astronaut Community represented by the Association of Space Explorers (ASE)
- ACKNOWLEDGING the high interest space communities have for astronautical missions and the persons involved in it;
- RECALLING the already existing cooperation between IAF and ASE as becomes visible in the joint ASEIAF technical sessions during ASE Congresses and the International Astronautical Congresses (IAC), the joint IAF Global Networking Forum (IAF GNF) sessions, and the effectuated membership of ASE within IAF;
- TAKING note of the presence of astronauts in the various states of their career in IAF organized events;
have decided to establish an IAF Astronaut Administrative Committee (AAC) with the purpose to continuously guarantee astronaut presence, astronaut events, and astronaut educational outreach activities as important elements within IAF organized events. The AAC serves to better harmonize the involvement of astronauts in matching IAF events, whether they are private persons, career astronauts, astronauts affiliated to a space agency, or veteran astronauts. The term astronaut in this context is not limited to persons, who are members of ASE, but also applies to those who have performed spaceflights in different qualities, be it commercial, privately funded, and to astronaut candidates, yet awaiting their spaceflights.
The IAF Astronauts Administrative Committee (AAC) in close cooperation with the IAF Member - the Association of Space Explorers (ASE) provides specialized advice and recommendations to the IAF, thus supporting the Federation's work with respect to all IAF activities and events involving astronauts. The AAC is to play a key role in the Federation's internal affairs, including the provision of guidance, recommendations, and related support to the work of the IAF Secretariat, the IAF Bureau and the IAF General Assembly.
1. General Objectives
The objectives of the AAC are to:
- Coordinate and promote strong participation of astronauts in IAF activities including International Astronautical Congresses (IAC), IAF Global Conferences and dedicated events such as the IAF Astronauts Chapters, IAF Global Networking Forum (IAF GNF) Sessions and other dedicated events, etc.;
- Develop, plan and conduct impactful initiatives and engagements to further the IAF’s mission of encouraging outreach, education and 3G+ diversity in the context of IAF events;
- Support and produce tangible benefits for the next generation of astronauts;
- Commemorate and celebrate the legacy and accomplishments of pioneering astronauts;
- Cooperate with other IAF Technical and Administrative Committees as needed;
- Together with and supported by the IAF Secretariat, act as the point of coordination to astronauts attending IAF events;
- Promote sound ethical and high safety standards for astronautical missions through all astronaut categories as defined in paragraph 4.
2. Appointment
The AAC is appointed by the IAF General Assembly, following a proposal by the IAF Bureau according to Article 6.2.g of the Constitution.
3. Chairperson
The AAC shall have a Chairperson and one or more Vice-Chairs.
The Chairperson shall be proposed by the Committee with the concurrence of the responsible IAF Bureau Member (if applicable), appointed by the IAF Bureau for a period up to three years and may be reappointed for a second term. Chairpersons shall have served the Committee as a member for at least one year to become eligible for appointment.
The Founding Chairperson for the AAC shall be the President of the ASE at the time of AAC establishment, formally appointed by the IAF Bureau for a three-year initial term.
4. Members
The AAC members must be affiliated to, retired from, or nominated by an IAF Member organization as its representative. New members shall be proposed by the Chair for approval by members of the Committee. They shall have the appropriate profile required for membership of the AAC and shall be appointed for a renewable term of three years.
The composition of the AAC members’ list shall consider the following profiles of astronauts and shall satisfy the 3G+ diversity objectives of the Federation:
- Active astronauts: astronauts eligible for spaceflight as members of an agency financed astronaut corps;
- Veteran astronauts: astronauts having ended their astronaut careers after having performed one or more spaceflights;
- Astronaut candidates: persons who have been selected for spaceflight in an in-depth campaign (similar to ISS standards) and are currently in training or are identified as reserve astronauts for spaceflight;
- Commercial astronauts: persons whose training and mission are planned and paid under commercial aspects; two types can be differentiated: those who pay for their astronaut flights and those who get funded for performing the spaceflight;
- Suborbital astronauts: persons who performed one or more suborbital spaceflights.
5. Experts
The AAC may enhance its membership with experts not affiliated to an IAF member organization or not satisfying one of the profiles mentioned above. Those shall be nominated by the Chair and appointed by the IAF Bureau for a term up to three years and may not be reappointed.
6. Meetings
The AAC shall typically meet in person twice a year, once at the IAF Spring Meetings and once during the International Astronautical Congress (IAC). At any meeting of the Committee a majority of the members (50%+1 of those recognized as Members of the Committee) shall constitute a quorum.
Online participation shall be at best effort provided.
The AAC shall also engage in organizational and preparatory work through regular calls ahead of the in-person meetings as appropriate.
7. Decisions
The AAC shall endeavour to take decisions on the basis of consensus. Where no agreement can be reached, a majority of the Committee members present shall be required to pass a decision.
8. Reporting The AAC in close coordination with the IAF Secretariat and ASE shall submit a report to the IAF Bureau at least once per year through the responsible IAF Bureau Member. Reports shall include a rolling work-plan of the Committee, as well as minutes of meetings held in the timeframe concerned. These reports shall be made available on the IAF Members website as appropriate.
9. Dissolution
The AAC may be dissolved by the IAF General Assembly on the recommendation of the IAF Bureau.