Congress and Symposia Advisory Committee (CSAC)
Committee Members
See all members
Objective/scope of the committee
The Congress and Symposium Advisory Committee (CSAC) provides policy advice to the IAF President and Bureau on matters associated with the selection of hosts, conduct, financial management and sponsorship of congresses and symposia.
The Committee reviews and makes recommendations to the Bureau and General Assembly concerning proposals from candidates seeking to host the annual International Astronautical Congress. The Committee also reviews and advises the IAF President, Bureau and Secretariat on requests from organisations that seek Federation agreement to co-sponsor or co-organise events.
In carrying out his/her responsibilities the Chair of the Congress and Symposium Advisory Committee works closely with the International Academy of Astronautics, the International Institute of Space Law and the IAF Secretariat to identify opportunities for the Federation to further its objectives through participation in new events.
Committee rules for membership applications and renewal
The CSAC has a Chair and a Vice-Chair. There is no specified limit on the number of members of the Committee; its size is intended to enable the Committee satisfactorily to discharge its responsibilities. The IAF Vice-President responsible for the Evolution of the International Astronautical Congress is an ex-officio member of the CSAC, as are the IAF President and the Executive Director.
The CSAC Chair and Vice-Chair are nominated by the IAF President in consultation with the concerned IAF Vice-President, approved by the Bureau and confirmed by the General Assembly. They are appointed for an initial term of three years and may be reappointed for one additional term.
Members of the CSAC are comprised of representatives from IAF member organisations, from the IAA or the IISL. Members are nominated by the Chair, in consultation with the Vice-Chair and the concerned IAF Vice-President. Membership nominations shall then be confirmed by the Bureau. In nominating committee members, consideration is given to the relevant experience and potential contribution of prospective members. Consideration is also given to the geographical location and organisational affiliation of prospective members with a view toward assuring global and organisational balance.
The Bureau may remove a member for lack of attendance at CSAC meetings or for other causes upon the recommendation of the Chair and the concerned IAF Vice-President.
The Chair is responsible for the performance of the Committee. The Vice-Chair substitutes for the Chair in the Chair’s absence or when requested to do so by the Chair.
Symposiums/sessions and events at the iac
While at present the CSAC does not make a formal presentation during the IAC, it would assist would-be hosts of future IACs (and of other events for which IAF endorsement may be sought) if such a presentation were given during the IAC or during the IAF Spring Meetings in Paris.
Technical meetings or events outside of the iac
Members of the CSAC usually arrange to meet during the IAF Spring Meetings in Paris.
Other committee activities
The Chair and Vice-Chair of the CSAC are willing to assist IAC bidders over the course of the preparation of a proposal to host the IAC, by providing clarification of the minimum requirements and other mandatory terms of reference with which a host must comply, as well as input regarding the diverse arrangements that a prospective host may put forward.