Global Workforce Development Subcommittee (2024-2027)

Subcommittee Members  

Objectives/scope of the committee

During the last two decades, attracting and retaining a highly motivated workforce for the international space community remains a significant challenge worldwide. There is measurable decrease in the interest of young people in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) subjects as well as a decline in the uptake of STEM careers. Other interesting and challenging technology fields continue to emerge and grow and now compete for the same high caliber and talented young people that the space community has attracted for the past 50 years.

The scope of the Global Space Workforce Development Subcommittee encompasses the entire range of issues which surround space workforce development. It includes education – preparing students in STEM disciplines as well as policy, law and other related fields and motivating them for careers in space endeavors. It also includes continuing professional education/training and development of the workforce, focusing on those early in their careers both in industry and in government, providing opportunities for them to broaden their knowledge and sharpen their skills, so they can realize the potential paths forward and play significant leadership roles in space activities throughout their careers.

The Subcommittee reports to the Space Education and Outreach Committee (SEOC) and the Workforce Development/Young Professionals Programme Committee (WD/YPP). It will be co-chaired by a member from each Committee and will be comprised of a Vice-Chair from each Committee and members from both committees.