Space Systems Committee (2024-2027)
Committee Members
See all members
• ARIKAWA Yoshihisa
• ARNOLD Steven P.
• BALINT Tibor S.
• BERTRAND Reinhold
• DE JONG Sybren
• DEMNY Ryan
• Du Hui
• FLORIANT Thierry
• GAMAL Hamed
• GUIDOTTI Giuseppe
• LIEPACK Otfrid
• PROBST Alena
• ROJAS RAMIREZ Marcos Eduardo
• ROSER Xavier
• WANG Dapeng
Objective/scope of the committee
The committee addresses space systems as a whole from a system concept and system engineering perspective, always with an eye to enhancing system development and reliability and supporting advanced missions and mission concepts. Areas of special interest include lessons learned from past experience, and developments in the tools, processes, and training of system engineering and key sub-disciplines (e.g. software engineering) that improve the basic development process, e.g. risk management, safety, reliability, coordination across multiple disciplines, and the ultimate performance of the systems achieved. The committee has an equally strong emphasis on future development, with focus areas in innovative technology developments that are mission enabling, current and future system architectures that potentially increase performance, efficiency, reliability, or flexibility of ground and space systems, and a look out to the future in innovative and visionary system concepts that stretch the imagination in mission objectives, underlying technologies, and operations approach.
Committee rules for membership applications and renewal
Because of the broad scope of this committee, the committee seeks to balance its membership with representation across a broad spectrum of core disciplines as well as system and management level experience.
The normal process for identifying and accepting new members to the committee consists of
- Recommendation of a candidate by a current (often retiring) committee member; external recommendations (e.g. from the IAF Secretariat) also receive consideration.
- Circulation of the candidate’s resume among the current committee members
- Invitation for the candidate to present him/herself before the committee at one of the regularly scheduled committee meetings (Paris in Spring or IAC in Fall)
- Vote of the existing committee to accept or reject
Symposium/sessions at the iac
Space Systems Symposium (D1) Sessions:
- D1.1 Innovative and Visionary Space Systems Concepts
- D1.2. Enabling Technologies for Space Systems
- D1.3 System Engineering Tools, Processes and Training (1)
- D1.4 Space Systems Architectures
- D1.5 Lessons Learned in Space Systems
- D1.6 System Engineering Tools, Processes, and Training (2)
- D1.7 Hosted Payloads
Technical meetings or events outside of the iac:
None as a committee.
Individual members participate in multiple professional organizations and technical meetings.