Frank J. Malina Astronautics Medal

The Frank J. Malina Astronautics Medal is presented annually to an educator who has demonstrated excellence in using his/her available resources to promote the study of astronautics and related space sciences.

Frank Joseph Malina (October 2, 1912 – November 9, 1981) was an American aeronautical engineer and painter, especially known for becoming both a pioneer in the art world and the realm of scientific engineering. Frank J. Malina also was an active volunteer of the International Astronautical Federation. He was a long serving SEOC member and SEOC Chair.

Since 1986, the Frank J. Malina Astronautics Medal is presented annually to an educator who has demonstrated excellence in taking the fullest advantage of the resources available to them to promote the study of astronautics and related space sciences. Any IAF member organizations in good standing may nominate candidates for the Frank J. Malina Astronautics Medal. Only one nomination per organization will be accepted each year. Every year during the IAF Spring Meetings in Paris, the IAF Malina Medal Subcommittee reviews the nominations and select the recipient.

The committee receives many high quality applications each year. Acknowledging that a lot of effort goes into the preparation of these nominations, a submission which is not successful in any given year may be resubmitted for later years. An unsuccessful nominee with be automatically carried over for a second year following the submission to the IAF. Nominees that are unsuccessful two years in a row will not be carried over for a third year unless a new submission is made. Any unsuccessful nomination can be updated after each selection.

2025 Call for Nominations - OPEN

2024 Recipient


Emeritus Professor, Astronautics, Morehead State University

United States

As someone who has continually worked on academic small satellites since 1982, Prof. Twiggs has been known as the “Father of the CubeSat” as the co-developer, alongside Prof. Jordi Puig-Suari, of the CubeSat reference design and P-Pod Deployer for miniaturized satellites which has become the de-facto Industry Standard for smallsats with over 2,200 launched since 1998. Alongside the CubeSat, he was responsible for co-developing and promoting other original concepts such as the CricketSat, CanSat, ThinSat and the PocketQub for educational applications in space. Prof. Twiggs will provide a historical perspective of the development of the CubeSat concept and how it has found its place in the satellite community.

2023 Recipient


Professor and Chair or Robotics and Telematics, University Wuerzburg


Professor Schilling has built up space research degrees. He enabled students to get hands-on experience in satellite construction and was involved in many leading space research activities like ESA projects and ERC grants.

2022 Recipient


Professor, The University of Tokyo


2021 Recipient


Senior Professor of Astrodynamics, University of Roma "La Sapienza", Scuola di Ingegneria Aerospaziale, President, Italian company Group of Astrodynamics for the Use of Space Systems (G.A.U.S.S. srl)


2020 Recipient


Executive Director, Secure World Foundation

United States

Award recipients



Prof. Mengu Cho received the 2019 Frank J. Malina Astronautics Medal from IAF President Pascale Ehrenfreund at the IAC Closing Ceremony in Washington D.C., United States.



Prof. David Spencer received the 2018 Frank J. Malina Astronautics Medal from IAF President Jean-Yves Le Gall at the IAC Closing Ceremony in Bremen, Germany.



Prof. Lynn Cominsky received the 2017 Frank J. Malina Astronautics Medal from IAF President, Jean-Yves Le Gall at the IAC Closing Ceremony in Adelaide, Australia.



Prof. Bénédicte Escudier received the 2016 Frank J. Malina Astronautics Medal from IAF President, Jean-Yves Le Gall at the IAC Closing Ceremony in Guadalajara, Mexico.



Prof. Boris Pschenichner received the 2015 Frank J. Malina Astronautics Medal from IAF President, Kiyoshi Higuchi at the IAC Closing Ceremony in Jerusalem, Israel.



Prof. John Logsdon received the 2013 Frank J. Malina Astronautics Medal from IAF President Kiyoshi Higuchi at the IAC Closing Ceremony in Beijing, China. More pictures

Past recipients

  • 2019 Prof. Mengu Cho (Japan)
  • 2018 David B. Spencer (USA)
  • 2017 Lynn Cominsky (USA)
  • 2016 Bénédicte Escudier (France)
  • 2015 Boris Pschenichner (Russia)
  • 2014 Bryan Debates (USA)
  • 2013 John M. Logsdon (USA)
  • 2012 Amelia Ercoli-Finzi (Italy)
  • 2011 Yves Gourinat (France)
  • 2010 Jean-Marie Wersinger (USA)
  • 2009 Barbara Morgan (USA)
  • 2008 Anne Brumfitt (Australia)
  • 2007 Peter M. Bainum (USA)
  • 2006 Tetsuo Yasaka (Japan)
  • 2005 G.P. “Bud” Peterson (USA)
  • 2004 Eugene Dzhur (Ukraine)
  • 2003 William A. Hiscock (USA)
  • 2002 Sir Martin Sweeting (UK)
  • 2001 Carlo Buongiorno (Italy)
  • 2000 Roland Doré (Canada)
  • 1999 John L. Junkins (USA)
  • 1998 Kiran Karnik (India)
  • 1997 Vladimir V. Prisniakov and Skip Fletcher (USA)
  • 1996 Julius E. Dash and Prof. Motocki Hinada (USA/Japan)
  • 1995 John L. Whitesides (USA)
  • 1994 Richard A. Seebass (USA)
  • 1993 Hans H. Von Muldau (Germany)
  • 1992 Oleg M. Alifanov and Willy Sadeh (Russia/USA)
  • 1991 Gerald M. Gregoreck (USA)
  • 1990 no recipient
  • 1989 no recipient
  • 1988 André Lebeau (France)
  • 1987 Luigi G. Napolitano (Italy)
  • 1986 Sharon Krista McAuliffe (First Teacher in Space, posthumously, USA)
  • 1984 Laszlo Gazdag (Hungary)

For further information about this programme, please contact the IAF Secretariat at: