DLR GfR • Spacecraft Operations

Ahmed Farid, born on February the 14th in Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt, is an astronaut-scientist candidate at the PoSSUM (Polar Suborbital Science in the Upper Mesosphere) program supported by NASA in Florida, United States.[1] Farid's main work is in Space Operations Mission control center. He was hired by the international space company Telespazio VEGA, Germany, and he's located at the German Space Operation Center (DLR), Munich, Germany. Farid is also the Co-Chairman of the African Regional Group at the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), which welcomes the establishment of IAF Regional Groups aimed at improving the exchange of information on space activities and facilitating the development of regional cooperation in space venture and space applications[2] He works in space operations, human spaceflight, and satellite operations.[3] Farid also served with the International Space Station (ISS) as a Columbus System controller on the European ground segment and as a spacecraft commander/controller for spacecraft in Germany and Europe, German Space Operations Center (GSOC) in Munich, and he was a part of a team responsible for communications between the astronauts and the ground crew of scientists and engineers supervising all the European activities on the International Space Station (ISS).
