Alessandra Vernile

Alessandra Vernile is a young professional with a background in International Relations, Intelligence and Space Policy.

Alessandra started her professional career working with the NATO Defence College Foundation. In 2015, Alessandra moved her first steps in the space sector joining the ESA Strategy Department in Paris for a 6-months internship. After this opportunity, Alessandra resulted as the recipient of the ASI-SIOI fellowship, that brought her to move to Vienna to work with the European Space Policy Institute (ESPI). During the year spent in ESPI, she focused her work on the role of private actors in the space sector, and she also had the opportunity of learning more on the contribution of space technology to SDGs. Moved by the curiosity of learning more on how space can benefit society, Alessandra joined Eurisy in Paris, where she works full time as Project Officer.

Within the Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC), Alessandra serves as Project Groups Coordinator since 2018.

Since 2020, Alessandra is part of the IAF EO Technical Committee.

Alessandra has strong interest in understanding the international space cooperation mechanisms and how to foster national policies that rely on space technology to respond to environmental and societal challenges.
