Director of Space Research Institute

Dr. Anatoli Petrukovich is director of Space Research Institute (IKI) of Russian Academy of Sciences. The mission of the institute is to conduct a world level research and hardware development in the field of fundamental and applied space sciences and technology.

Dr. Anatoli Petrukovich received a honours degree in Physics and Applied Math from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology in 1990 (equivalent of Master degree). In 1990 he joined Space Research Institute as researcher and later worked at the positions of senior researcher, head of space weather lab and head of space plasma physics department. He received a COSPAR Zeldovich medal for young scientists in 2002. In 2018 he was elected as the new IKI director.
He received a Candidate of Sciences degree (equivalent of PhD) in 1994 and Doctor of Sciences degree in 2003. Since 2011 he is corresponding member of Russian Academy of Sciences. Dr Petrukovich scientific interests are related with dynamics of the Earth’s magnetosphere and space weather. He is the author of over 200 publications with more than 3000 citations in Web of Science.

Dr Petrukovich is professor in Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology He was an associate editor of «Journal Geophysical Research - Space Physics» (2012-2014) and is now an Editor-in-chief of Russian «Cosmic Research» journal. He is the head of magnetospheric section in Solar-terrestrial council (advisory board in Russian academy of sciences for solar terrestrial science), head of solar-terrestrial section in Space Council (advisory board in Russian academy of sciences for space science).


The Global Space Exploration Conference 2021

14-18 June 2021

St. Petersburg, Russia
