1993, PhD in Oceanography, University of Hawaii. Since 1985, Assistant Professor, Department of Marine Science, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. Since 2001, Director, Southeast Asia START Global Change Regional Center. Since 2010, Director, Climate Change Knowledge Management Center, National Science and Technology Development Agency. Since January 2012, Director, Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency. Over the last 5 years, has been team leader or coordinator of several projects for various organizations. Member: Advisory Committee, to the Executive Director, Asian Disaster Preparedness Center; Executive Board, Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency; Technical Subcommittee, National Committee on Climate Change Policy, Office of the Prime Minister. Author of numerous publications, chapters and articles. Member of the Editorial Board, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, Elsevier. Recipient, International START Young Scientist Award.


International Astronautical Congress 2019

21-25 October 2019

Washington, United States
