Department of Radiology and Medical Informatics at Geneva University • Chairman

Antoine Geissbuhler is a Professor of Medicine, Chairman of the Department of Radiology and Medical Informatics at Geneva University, Director of the Division of eHealth and Telemedicine at Geneva University Hospitals. He is also President of the Health-On-the-Net Foundation, Past-President of the International Medical Informatics Association, and Fellow of the American College of Medical Informaticians.

His research focuses on the development of innovative, knowledge-enabled information systems and computer-based tools for improving the quality, safety and efficiency of care processes, and on the evaluation of their impact on health outcomes, at the local level of the largest hospital in Switzerland, in the regional patient-centered health information system, at the global level with the Health-On-the-Net Foundation, as director of the WHO collaborating center for eHealth, and as director of the RAFT network, an extensive South-South telemedicine network linking hundreds of hospitals in 20+ developing countries (


The Global Conference on Space and the Information Society 2016

6-7 June 2016

Geneva, Switzerland
