Caroline JUANG

Columbia University • PhD Student

Caroline is an incoming Ph.D. student at Columbia University. Previously, she was a Landslide Citizen Science Project Coordinator at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) and Science Systems and Applications, Inc. Caroline managed Landslide Reporter (, launching the project and handling all aspects from outreach to data analysis with the help of the team at GSFC and the NASA Center for Climate Simulation (NCCS). She volunteers with the Brooke Owens Fellowship and the Space Generation Advisory Council, motivated by her passion to increase access to opportunities in space. Caroline graduated in May 2017 with an A.B. in Earth & Planetary Sciences and a minor in Environmental Sciences and Public Policy from Harvard University.

“I am thrilled to be selected as a panelist for the Next Generation Plenary at the 70 th International Astronautical Congress. I look forward to connecting and reconnecting with my fellow panelists and Plenary coordinators to discuss what we can do to observe our changing planet using citizen science and Earth Observation.”


International Astronautical Congress 2019

21-25 October 2019

Washington, United States
