European Space Agency (ESA)Project Scientist ESA-NASA Solar Orbiter Mission

Dr. Daniel Müller is the Project Scientist of the ESA-NASA Solar Orbiter Mission, and senior staff scientist at ESA’s European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC). Daniel Müller holds a Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Freiburg, Germany. After a Marie Curie Fellowship at the University of Oslo, Norway, he joined ESA’s SOHO team at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, where he became Deputy Project Scientist of the ESA-NASA SOHO mission. In 2010, he moved to ESTEC to start working on Solar Orbiter, and has been serving as the mission’s Project Scientist since 2012. In addition to his scientific and project management work he has a strong interest in high-performance scientific data visualization. In particular, he is coordinating the development of the open-source software JHelioviewer and is the ESA Lead of the ESA-NASA Helioviewer Project.


International Astronautical Congress 2022

18-22 September 2022

Paris, France
