European Space Agency (ESA)Director of Human and Robotic Exploration Programmes

Before joining ESA, Daniel Neuenschwander was previously Head of the Swiss Space Office (SSO) and Swiss Delegation to ESA, as well as Chairman of the Programme Board Launchers (PB-LAU). He also served as Deputy of the Swiss State Secretary for Space Affairs, including for the ESA Co-Presidency at Ministerial level.

Born in Berne, Switzerland, Daniel Neuenschwander has spent most of his professional career in the aerospace sector. He trained as a Swiss Air Force pilot, and then gained a Masters Degree in physical geography and climatology from the University of Fribourg. He gained his airline transport pilot licence from Swissair Aviation School, Zurich.

He was Space Exploration and International Relations programme manager for the SSO, and was the Permanent Swiss delegate to ESA at the Swiss Embassy to France in Paris.

He has served in various specialised bodies, including representative of the ESA Censor in Arianespace, chair of the Inter-ministerial Coordination Committee for Space Affairs, chair of the Board of Directors of the Swiss Space Center, member of Board of the International Space Science Institute, and chair of the ESA Council Working Group for the European participation in the International Space Station, among others.

Daniel Neuenschwander took up duty as Director of Launchers on 14 September 2016 (the Directorate was renamed Space Transportation Systems on 20 March 2017). He was reassigned as Director of Human and Robotic Exploration Programmes as of 1 July 2023 and renewed for four years from 1 July 2024.
