Dmitriy Shishkin

ROSCOSMOSDirector of the Administrative Department of State Space Corporation

Shishkin Dmitrii works in the field of strengthening public and corporate relations, development of youth policy in the rocket and space industry and career guidance system for working with the younger generation of schoolchildren and students.


  • Ensuring the participation of the national team of State Space Corporation «ROSCOSMOS» in the international non-profit movement «WORLDSKILLS», which aims to increase the prestige of professional skills and develop professional education by harmonizing best practices and standards around the world through the organization and holding of championships both in each individual country and around the world as a whole. The VII National Championship of Comprehensive Working Professions in High-Tech Industries Worldskills Hi-Tech (2020), the State Space Corporation «ROSCOSMOS» took the 2nd place in the unofficial team competition. A member of the national team of State Space Corporation «ROSCOSMOS» joined the expanded National Team of Russia (competence «Turning work on CNC machines»). Compared to 2019, the involvement of enterprises in the international WorldSkills movement increased by 57 %.
  • Created information and educational portal «Key to start. Space for children» - online space for self-education and career choice in the world of space activities ( The portal systematizes practical activities for the promotion and development of aerospace education and engineering creativity, expanding the audience of participants in such projects, as well as providing the opportunity for online education.
  • Reconstruction of the unique educational center «Cosmonautics and Aviation» on the territory of the VDNH. Since its opening (April 2018), the Center has been visited by more than 2,000,000 residents and guests of Moscow. 30 enterprises of the rocket and space and defense industries took part in the creation of the Center's exposition, providing more than 120 exhibits, including unique large size models and full-scale samples of rocket and space technology.
  • Creating a system of corporate youth policy. Support of the activities of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists under the General Director of State Space Corporation «ROSCOSMOS».
  • Creation of a network of children's technoparks «Quantorium» in the direction of «CosmoQuantum». «Quantorium» is a new format of additional education, a unique environment designed for accelerated development of the child in various research and engineering areas. The educational program of the Cosmoquantum direction allows students to immerse themselves in various engineering areas of cosmonautics and go through the full life cycle of creating samples of rocket and space technology: from setting a task to assembling their own full-fledged model or conducting research.


The Global Space Exploration Conference 2021

14-18 June 2021

St. Petersburg, Russia
