Dunay Badirkhanov is the Vice-Chair of the Board at Azercosmos, Space Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan since 2018.

He joined Azercosmos in 2011 as a member of core team to receive international trainings in satellite engineering and operations in order to get prepared for the launch and operations of the first satellite of Azerbaijan – Azerspace-1. As a Satellite Operations Manager, he coordinated the development of the concept of operations, in order to support satellite telecommunications services since 2013. In 2014, Mr. Badirkhanov participated in the development of the first earth observation infrastructure of Azercosmos in scope of the launch of Azersky satellite.

Since 2016, as a Director of Satellite and Ground-based Systems Department, he managed the process of preparation for the launch of Azerspace-2 satellite, which took place in 2018.

Dunay oversees the development of new satellite systems, corporate digital transformation initiatives, academic programs, diversity-equality-inclusivity and other sustainability programs in the agency. In addition, he holds globally recognized certification in business continuity.

Mr. Badirkhanov actively participates in activities of International Astronautical Federation since 2019. He was International Program Committee Co-chair and one the executive member of Organizing Committee for 74th International Astronautical Congress Baku chapter, held in October 2-6, 2023. He is an active member at Space Communications and Navigation Committee (SCAN) since 2019 and Inclusion, Diversity and Equity Administrative Committee (IDEA) since 2023.

His dedication to the field was recognized by IAF in 2021, when he was honored as a Young Space Leader.

Mr. Badirkhanov received an MSc degree in Mechanics from St. Petersburg University in 2009.
