Ersilia Vaudo

European Space Agency (ESA)Chief Diversity Officer

Ersilia Vaudo holds a degree in Astrophysics. Since 1991, she has worked at the European Space Agency (ESA). She is currently Special Advisor on Strategic Evolution and ESA Chief Diversity Officer.

She was appointed in 2020 as co-chair of the Talent and Diversity chapter of the “Scale-Up Europe” initiative launched by the French President E. Macron. She was appointed as an expert member of the task force “Women for a New Renaissance,” established by the Minister for Equal Opportunities and Family contributing to the proposals on “Research, STEM, and skills training,” later included in the first National Strategy on Gender Equality.

Ersilia Vaudo is the President and co-founder of the association “Il Cielo itinerante,” promoting STEM and Space education for children in disadvantaged areas.


International Astronautical Congress 2024

14-18 October 2024

Milan, Italy


International Astronautical Congress 2020

12-14 October 2020

Cyberspace edition
