Giovanni Pratesi

University of Firenze • Professor

Giovanni Pratesi is Professor of Planetary Mineralogy at the University of Firenze. His main research interests focus on investigating extraterrestrial materials such as meteorites and returned samples from a mineralogical, petrographic and geochemical perspective. He is one of the leading scientists in Italy for the study of extraterrestrial materials. He has been President and Director of the Natural History Museum of the University of Firenze, and he is the founder of the Museum of Planetary Sciences (Prato, Tuscany), which is the only Italian museum entirely devoted to the exhibition of meteorites and planetary materials. In collaboration with the Italian Ministry of Culture, he has established a national catalographic standard for cataloging meteorite collections preserved in natural history museums and scientific institutions (BN-PL national catalographic standard). He is the Rector Delegate of the University of Firenze for the Space It Up project and co-leader of Spoke 9 "Habitat, Space and Science".


International Astronautical Congress 2024

14-18 October 2024

Milan, Italy
