Gonzalo Tancredi

University of Uruguay • Professor


  • Licentiate in Astronomy (four years programme with one year final thesis) Faculty of Humanities and Sciences, Montevideo, Uruguay, 1989.
  • D. in Astronomy, Uppsala Observatoty, Uppsala University, Sweden, 1993.


  • Full Professor at the Dept. of Astronomy, Faculty of Sciences, Universidad del Uruguay, 2008 – present.
  • Associated Professor at the Dept. of Astronomy, Faculty of Sciences, Universidad del Uruguay, 1993 – 2008.
  • Director of Observatorio Astronómico “Los Molinos” (Ministerio de Educación y Cultura) 2004 – 2012
  • Researcher Level II – Research Nacional System (1999 – present).
  • Scientific Advisor at the Planetarium in Montevideo, Uruguay (1996-2000)



Planetary Sciences. Minor Bodies of the Solar System: Asteroids and Comets. Celestial Mechanics. Planetary astrophysics. Impact process, craters.


More than 45 articles in international journals like: Astronomy & Astrpohyiscs, Astronomical Journal, Icarus, Nature, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Celestial Mechanics, Planetary & Space Science, Earth, Moon & Planets, Revista Mexicana de Astronomía y Astrofísica. More than 25 articles in Proceedings of International Conferences. More than 100 reports to the International Astronomical Union Circulars and Minor Planet Center Circulars. 4 chapter in books.

Co-editor of the books: “Caos en el Uruguay: ¿que hacen los investigadores uruguayos que trabajan en sistemas caóticos?” and “Del Big Bang a las Civilizaciones”.

List of 8 selected publications

  • “Thermochemistry of cometary nuclei: the Jupiter family case”; Tancredi, G., Rickman, H. and Greenberg, M. (1994), & Astroph.; 286, 659-682.
  • “The dynamical memory of Jupiter Family comets”; Tancredi G. (1995), & Astroph.; 299, 288-292.
  • “The population, magnitudes, and sizes of Jupiter family comets”, Fernández, J.A., Tancredi, G., Rickman, H., and Licandro, J. (1999) & Astroph. 352, 327-340.
  • “A comparison between methods to calculate Lyapunov exponents”, Tancredi G., Sanchez A., Roig. F., (2001), Astron. J., 121, 1171-1179.
  • “Nuclear Magnitudes and Size Distribution of Jupiter Family Comets”, Tancredi, G.; Fernandez, J. A.; Rickman, H and Licandro, J. (2006), Icarus 182, 527-549. (Nótese que este artículo es una continuación del trabajo Tancredi et al. 2000 Astron. & Astroph. Suppl. Ser., 146, 73);
  • “Which are the dwarf in the Solar System?” (2008) Tancredi, G.; Favre, S., Icarus, 195, 851-862.
  • “A Meteorite Crater on Earth formed in September, 15 2007: the Carancas Hypervelocity Impact” (2009) Tancredi, G.; Ishitsuka, J.; Schultz, P.; Harris, R.; Brown P., ReVelle D., Antier K., Le Pichon A., Rosales, D.; Vidal, E.; Varela, M. E.; Sánchez, L; Benavente, S.; Bojorquez J.; Cabezas, D.; Dalmau, A.; Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 44, 1967-1984.
  • “Granular physics in low-gravity environments using DEM” (2012) G. Tancredi, A. Maciel, L. Heredia, P. Richeri, S. Nesmachnow, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 420, 3368-3380.


Member of the:

  • International Astronomical Union (Vice President Steering Committee of Division F
  • “Planetary Systems and Bioastronomy”; Working Group on Near-Earth Objects – WGNEO)
  • American Astronomical Society
  • Royal Astronomical Society of the UK
  • Meteoritical Society
  • American Geophysical Union
  • Asociación Latinoamericana de Geofísica Espacial
  • Astronomical Society of the Pacific
  • Sociedad Uruguaya de Astronomía
  • Sociedad Uruguaya de Física


  • Denomination of asteroid 5088 – 1979 QZ1 as Tancredi.
  • President of the Local Organizing Comitte of the VIII Latinoamerican Regional Meeting.
  • Discovery and right to nominate asteroid 6252 – Montevideo, in honor of my birthplace.
  • Special mention in the “Caldeyro Barcia” Awards in Basic Science (Physics Area) 2000 (PEDECIBA-UNDP, Uruguay)
  • President of Sociedad Uruguaya de Astronomia, 2002-2004.
  • Secretary of Sociedad Uruguaya de Astronomia, 2005-2007.
  • Member of the Board, Treasurer and Secretary of Sociedad Uruguaya para el Progreso de la Ciencia y la Tecnología (SUPCYT) 2005-2013.
  • Discovery and right to nominate the first asteroids discovered from Uruguay: (68853)
  • Vaimaca and (73342) Guyunusa.
  • Promoter and co-author of the draft of the resolution adopted in the XXVI General
  • Assembly of the International Astronomical Union about the “Definition of a Planet in the Solar System” (August 2006). As a consequence Pluto lost the category of a planet and became a “dwarf planet”.
  • Lecturer in TEDxMontevideo, April 2010
  • President of the Scientific Organizing Committe of the “Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2017”, Montevideo, Uruguay.


The contribution can be divided in the following topics

  • Collaboration with organizations devoted to the Popularization of Science
  • Activities in the Observatorio Astronómico Los Molinos and the Facultad de Ciencias
  • Collaboration with Primary and Secondary Education
  • Outreach projects
  • Outreach activities in the media.


The Global Space Applications Conference 2018

21-23 May 2018

Montevideo, Uruguay
