Hervé Clauss

TomTom • Director MAPS Global Sourcing

Hervé has been working for the last 12 years at TomTom in various roles for the Maps Product Unit.

After having been responsible for the map databases of France, the Benelux and North African countries, Hervé moved into leading the relationship with TomTom’s main Indian map production outsourcing partner. In this capacity he helped set up improvement programs in the domain of Mobile Mapping and Imagery data collection and use. This lead into taking responsibility of Mobile Mapping and Imagery globally.

More recently, Hervé’s scope was extended to central sourcing of big sources used in MAPS. This entails out of others POIs and extended Floating car data.

Prior to working with TomTom, Hervé was managing IT teams at Hewlett Packard and was R&D project Manager at Dassault-Aviation.

Hervé holds an Engineering Master Degree from Sup’Aéro and an MBA from EM’Lyon Business School.
