National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)International Relations Specialist

Jacob Sutherlun is an International Relations Specialist in the International Affairs Division of the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Satellite and Information Service(NOAA NESDIS). Mr. Sutherlun currently serves as the Vice-Chair of the CEOS Capacity Building and Data Democracy (CapD) Working Group and will chair this working group for two years beginning in November. He also co-leads a United States Group on Earth Observations initiative to increase the understanding of and the capacity to participate in the Group on Earth Observations in the Americas. Mr. Sutherlun earned his Master of Arts in International Affairs from the Elliott School of International Affairs at The George Washington University where he combined his interests in energy, environment, and space. Prior to that, Mr. Sutherlun worked as an engineer in Texas as well as in Bolivia where he served as a United States Peace Corps Volunteer. At NOAA and in the various international organizations that Mr. Sutherlun is involved in, he is able to combine his engineering and international backgrounds to help build the capacity to use space-based Earth observations for informed environmental decision making.

Jacob Sutherlun is a Young Professional associated with both the IAF GEOSS Subcommittee and the IAF Space Education and Outreach Committee (SEOC). He has been an organizer of the Next Generation Plenaries for the Cape Town, Naples and upcoming Beijing IACs. At the Naples IAC, he co-chaired the joint Virtual Forum technical session on Global Earth Observations co-sponsored by both the IAF GEOSS Subcommittee and the Workforce Development-Young Professionals Programme Committee. He is similarly involved in organizing a Virtual Forum for the Beijing IAC. Mr. Sutherlun presented papers at IAF technical sessions in Cape Town and Naples and at the UN/IAF Workshops at both locations. He likewise will present abstracts in connection with Beijing IA
