Jason Cassibry

University of Alabama in HuntsvilleProfessor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Dr. Jason Cassibry is a professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and affiliated with the Propulsion Research Center at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. His research includes theoretical and experimental study of advanced nuclear thermal propulsion, magneto-inertial fusion and fission/fusion for interplanetary space travel and terrestrial power, hypersonics, and smooth particle hydrodynamics.

Dr. Cassibry has 20 years past the PhD in numerical modeling and experiments for advanced applications. He is the PI of the Charger Advanced Propulsion and Power (CAPP) pulsed power facility being utilized for z-pinch applications for propulsion, terrestrial power, and defense. He won the SciQuest 2013 Quest for Excellence Award in the area of Academia in August 2013 and the Konrad Dannenberg Educator of the Year Award in May 2013. He was a coauthor on the AIAA Best Paper by the AIAA Nuclear and Future Flight Propulsion Technical Committee, AIAA 2014-3520 “Developing the Pulsed Fission-Fusion (PuFF) Engine” which was awarded in April 2014. In 2021, he was awarded “Outstanding Faculty Member for the College of Engineering for the University of Alabama in Huntsville.” He served as the Chair of the Nuclear and Future Flight Technical Committee for AIAA. He continues to serve as an associate editor for the AIAA Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets.
