Joerg Kreisel

Joerg specializes in technology commercialization – with a strong focus on space – and has been involved in numerous, mainly international, activities in both space and early-stage equity financing since 1987 (e.g. supporting the creation and early years of RapidEye). After a first career in the space industry, he became a venture capitalist in the early 1990s. Joerg is a board member of several high-tech start-ups and investor boards and has been involved in the creation of new space businesses around the world. He holds a degree in Aerospace Engineering from RWTH Aachen University (Germany), is an early alumnus of ISU (International Space University), has been a lecturer at various universities since the 1990s and is a frequent speaker at international events. Joerg was born in 1961 and is married with two children.

His company JKIC (JOERG KREISEL International Consultant – Independent Space Business + Finance Advisors) was founded in Germany in 1991 and focuses on innovative and commercial activities in the space sector as well as special activities in the private equity and venture capital industry.

Today, JKIC is a recognized brand in the global space community, advising and connecting space-related government agencies, industry and selected investors worldwide with a proprietary global network of leading expertise. JKIC supports space commercialization and new ventures by facilitating international partnerships, equity financing, global linkages, strategy development and new system concepts. The portfolio also includes funding strategies and models beyond commercial ventures.

Since 2000, JKIC has been involved in ISAM (In-Space Servicing, Assembly and Manufacturing) and ADR (Active Debris Removal) activities with both space agency and industry projects or dedicated commercial efforts. Since 2024, Joerg has been the President of CONFERS, the independent, international, non-profit trade association promoting the satellite servicing industry, with nearly 100 member organizations worldwide.

In summary, Joerg has been in the space industry for almost 40 years and has been involved in early stage financing for more than 30 years – he is also currently involved in several space related start-ups in different countries. Joerg is an Associate Fellow of the AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics), a founding member and Vice-Chair of the SEIC (Space Entrepreneurship and Investment Committee), a member of the IPC (International Program Committee) of the IAF (International Astronautical Federation), Associate Editor of NewSpace magazine and Director of New Initiatives for WIA-Europe (Women in Aerospace).


International Astronautical Congress 2024

14-18 October 2024

Milan, Italy


International Astronautical Congress 2023

2-6 October 2023

Baku, Azerbaijan


International Astronautical Congress 2021

25-29 October 2021

Dubai, United Arab Emirates


The Global Space Exploration Conference 2021

14-18 June 2021

St. Petersburg, Russia


International Astronautical Congress 2019

21-25 October 2019

Washington, United States


International Astronautical Congress 2018

1–5 October 2018

Bremen, Germany


International Astronautical Congress 2017

25-29 September 2017

Adelaide, Australia
