Julian FOX

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) • Team Leader National Forest Monitoring, MRV and Platforms

Australian forester with 23 years’ experience in forest monitoring as a leader of multi-disciplinary teams, manager of international and national projects, researcher, teacher, and technical specialist spanning the university sector, public sector (Australian forest management agencies), international development organizations, and the United Nations (FAO). 7 years’ experience living and working in developing countries managing international forestry projects in Papua New Guinea and Zambia.

Prior to professional career, completed a B. Forest Science (First Class Honours) 1992-1996, and PhD in forest monitoring (1996-2000) both from the University of Melbourne. From 2017-2023, Julian has held the post of Team Leader, National Forest Monitoring in FAO’s Forestry Division building a team of 30 technical specialists supported by a portfolio extra-budgetary projects spanning development of digital public goods and platforms and capacity development for forest, peatlands, and restoration monitoring, and measurement reporting and verification.
