Guatemalan Association of Space Sciences and Engineering (AGICE) • President & Co-Founder

Katherinne Herrera-Jordan is the president and co-founder of the Guatemalan Association of Space Sciences and Engineering (AGICE), generating space-culture in Guatemala. AGICE also mentors and supports high school and college students on space-related projects and investigations. Katherinne is also co-founder of Verne Technologies, a company that generates technological solutions to problems on science and industry, mainly focused on space. She worked on the development and verification of the first Guatemalan microgravity simulator and presented it on the 72nd International Astronautical Congress in 2021, after being awarded as an Emerging Space Leader. She also worked on two NASA-funded projects at BioServe Space Technologies: 1) Simulated Micro-, Lunar, and Martian Gravity Microbial Research, and 2) Space Biofilms. She’s also the current Guatemalan National Point of Contact for the Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC), and works with Orbital Space Technologies (Costa Rica) on the MUSA project. Katherinne holds a bachelor's degree on Biochemistry and Microbiology and hopes to continue her studies on plant-microbiome interactions and possible uses to stablish humans in other celestial bodies.
