Lionel BAIZE

Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES)Space Exploration Manager

Lionel Baize is “Space Exploration Manager” in the “Innovation and Foresight” team at CNES – Toulouse Space Centre. He is member of ISECG Technical Working Group and also technical advisor of the French delegation to the ESA Human Spaceflight, Microgravity and Exploration Programme Board. From 1996 to 2008, he was the project manager, on behalf of ESA, of the development of the Control Centre of the Automated Transfer Vehicle, and of the ATV “Jules Verne” operations preparation and execution, Jules Verne successfully performed its mission to the International Space Station in 2008. Lionel Baize was also involved in CCSDS “cross-support services” and ECSS “ground systems and operations” standardization activities. From 1989 to 1996, he was in charge of the development of the “Monitoring & Control” subsystem of the control centre of the Telecom2 geostationary satellites and was involved in the definition of the PROTEUS platform. space to ground interface. Lionel Baize joined CNES in 1985 and, until 1989, was in charge of the development of the switching system of the CNES tracking network and of its interface with ESA ESTRACK. He received the Engineering Degree from l’Ecole Supérieure d’Electricité (France) in 1981.
