María de las Mercedes Esquivel de Cocca

University of Salvador • Professor of Aeronautic and Space Law

Academic Formation:

  • Lawyer graduated at the Argentine Catholic University (Buenos Aires, 1973).
  • Specialist in Aeronautical and Space Law, graduated at the National Institute of Air and Space Law (Buenos Aires, 1975).

Member of:

  • International Academy of Astronautics (Paris, 2001-2003);
  • International Institute of Space Law (Paris);
  • Asociación Latinoamericana de Derecho Aeronáutico (Madrid), ALADA;
  • Corresponding Member of the Center for Aeronautical and Space Law Dissemination (CIDA-E) of Uruguay;
  • Institute of Navigation Law of the National Academy of Law (Buenos Aires);
  • Institute of Aeronautical, Space and Telecommunications Law (Cordoba);
  • Red Latino-Americana y del Caribe del Espacio (RELACA).

Academical activities:

  • Professor of Aeronautical and Space Law (Universidad del Salvador, Centro and Pilar branches);
  • Assistant professor of Aeronautical Law (Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires, 1974-2018);
  • Director of the Institute of Aeronautical, Space and Telecommunications Law (Universidad del Salvador).

Postgraduate courses:

She has given more than twelve postgraduate courses on Space Law at the University of Buenos Aires.
Courses, seminars, congresses and colloquia:
She has lectured at more than 60 national and international congresses. Invited to participate in the United Nations Workshop in Rio de Janeiro on Space Law and the Developing Nations and the Caribbean (2004).

She has organized, as well, four international colloquia.


More than seventy publications, articles and contributions in national and international editions.

A handbook on Aeronautical Law and the Treaty on Space Law is being prepared.

Other activities:

  • President of the Argentine branch of International Social Service (until 1983),
  • Conicet scholarship holder (until 1985),
  • In charge of the Presidency of the Foundation Casa de la Cultura de Córdoba and of its Council of Advanced International Studies (since 2001).
  • Director of the National Point of Contact (Argentina) of Red Latino-Americana y del Caribe del Espacio (RELACA, since 2017).


  • English
  • Portuguese
  • Notions of Russian, German and Italian.


The Global Space Applications Conference 2018

21-23 May 2018

Montevideo, Uruguay
