Political and Juridical Affairs Commission • Chair

Doctor in Law and Social Sciences. Doctor in Diplomacy. Notary Public.

Professor of Public International Law, College of Law – University of Uruguay.

Legal Advisor to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and former Director of Special Affairs; Environmental Issues and Multilateral Relations at the Ministry of foreign Affairs.

Deputy Permanent Representative of Uruguay to the United Nations Organization (1991-1996). Chair of the Sixth Committee of United Nations General Assembly (1993).

Delegate of Uruguay to the COPUOS (1991-1996). Chair of the Working Group on the Implementation of the U.N. Charter related to third countries affected by sanctions by the Security Council (1995). Chair of the Special Commission on the U.N. Charter and the Strengthening the Role of the Organization (1996). Former Ambassador Permanent Representative of Uruguay to the Organization of American States (2006-2011). Chair of the Working Group on the Social Charter of the Americas (2007). Chair of the Special Commission on Migration Matters (2008). Chair of the Political and Juridical Affairs Commission (2008-2009).

Head of Uruguayan delegations in several occasions to conferences and international meetings. Panelist, Lecturer, Moderator, Chair of Debates in Congresses and Conferences in Uruguay and abroad.

Member of national and foreign Institutions related to Public International Law. Among them: ALADA, Instituto Uruguayo de Derecho Aeronáutico y Espacial, Hispanic – Portuguese – American Institute of International Law, American Society of International Law, International Law Association, appointed Member of the International Criminal Court – Committee.

Author of publications on Public International Law, International Law, Human Rights, Space Law, International Environmental Law. Recipient of several awards, national and international regarding books and papers. Inter-American Jurisprudence Prize – Granted by the Inter-American Law Federation Year 2002.


The Global Space Applications Conference 2018

21-23 May 2018

Montevideo, Uruguay
