Nelson R. Guim

Dr. Nelson R. Guim is a businessman, a lawyer, an institutional advisor, and very active in promoting and participating in social and citizens initiatives and NGOs: Coordinator of the National Board for Education with Values, President of the Guayaquil Downtown Reactivation Committee, founding member of the Guayas River Forum and of the Guayaquil Space Society, Board Member of Leviathan Space Industries LLC - which is leading the initiative to develop a Private Spaceport in Ecuador, and member of the National Space Society.

He has had several nexuses with aviation, as a certified private pilot, his doctorate in jurisprudence was in Aeronautical Law, and has served as President of Ecuador's Aero Club, Member of the National Aviation Board, Specialist on AVSEC, and has participated in several ICAO meetings.

Among his previous post are Acting President of the Chamber of Commerce of Guayaquil, President of the Pacific Basin Economic Council – Ecuador Chapter, Vice Minister of Trade and Integration, Negotiator of the accession of Ecuador to the World Trade Organization, Vice Minister of Industry and Production, Member of the Honorary Board of the Guayas Lawyers Association. He also holds a Master’s degree in Political Management and Governance from the Catholic University of Guayaquil and the George Washington University.


The Global Conference on Space for Emerging Countries 2022

16-20 May 2022

Quito, Ecuador
