Pierfrancesco BRECCIA

Sapienza University of RomePost-Doctoral Research Fellow in International and Space Law

Pierfrancesco Breccia is a post-doctoral research fellow in International Law and Space Law at Sapienza University of Rome. He currently participates in the OSL Project – Outer Space Law for International Cooperation and Sustainable Development, carried out by the Department of Political Sciences of Sapienza University in collaboration with the Italian Space Agency and the Kenya Space Agency. PhD in Public, Comparative and International Law, he is Adjunct Professor of “International Law and Cooperation” at the Università degli Studi Internazionali di Roma and of “International Organizations” at Università degli Studi Gugliemo Marconi. He is Responsible of the research project on “Jam in Orbit: Legal Features and New Challenges for Space Traffic Management”, funded by Sapienza University of Rome. In 2016, he was the recipient of the Prof. Dr. I.H.Ph. Diederiks-Verschoor Award granted by the International Institute of Space Law.


The Global Conference on Space for Emerging Countries 2022

16-20 May 2022

Quito, Ecuador
