Pierluigi Mancini

European Space Agency (ESA)NAVISP Programme Manager

Specialising in electrical engineering, I initially graduated cum laudae from Naples University, then was awarded my Master’s by the Polytechnic Institute of New York, and subsequently took a PhD at University College London.

I have more than 30 years of experience in the space sector where after several years of R&D activities in the spaceborne radar domain, I have been involved in the definition and implementation of several ESA missions such as ERS, Envisat, Small GeoSat as well as some key strategic developments in the field of space-based applications.

I have been responsible for the Strategy and the Feasibility Studies Divisions in ESA’s Directorate of Telecommunications & Integrated Applications and in this capacity I conceptualised the actual creation of the Integrated Applications Programme. I am now heading the NAVISP Programme which aims to further foster European industry’s succeeding in the highly competitive and rapidly-evolving global market for satellite navigation, and more broadly Positioning Navigation Timing (PNT) technologies and services, while supporting the ESA Member States in enhancing their national objectives and capabilities in the sector.
