Pierre Molette

Pierre Molette is a graduated engineer from Ecole Centrale des Arts et Manufactures and from Ecole Nationale Supérieure de l’Aéronautique.

He started his career in 1970 at Engins Matra as thermal control and structures engineer.

In 1973 he joined ESA where he contributed to the development of the first generation of European telecommunications satellites and has been responsible for the development of the three stages of Ariane 1. He was also in charge of the R&D programme on CFRP and its applications. In 1980 he returned to Matra Espace (then Matra Marconi Space and Astrium), responsible for advanced studies and satellite engineering. He contributed to the design and development of the Eurostar telecommunication satellite platform, and has been in charge of mission design and utilisation of manned systems (space station, Columbus, Hermès, microgravity experiments). Nominated chief engineer he was in charge of the technology strategy, and also contributed in several international working groups and committees. He then held several positions in the Directorate of Telecommunications Satellites Programmes before he retired from Astrium in 2003.

Pierre Molette is a Member in the International Academy of Astronautics, where he had a strong involvement in the Small Satellites activities, including at UNISPACE III and IAC’s. He has been a Member of the IAA/IISL Liaison Committee. He is a member of the Commission on Space Policy, Law and Economy. He has been in charge of the Special Issues of Acta Astronautica.

For more than 40 years, Pierre Molette has contributed to the IAF, especially as a member of several Technical Committees (Propulsion, Space Systems, Space Stations) and Administrative Committees (Publications, Finance). He has been present at most IAC’s as chairman or rapporteur in IAF and IAA symposia. He is also a “Membre Emérite” in the Association Aéronautique et Astronautique de France (3AF); he has been President of the Toulouse Chapter.

Pierre Molette has been a Member of the Board in the French National Council of Engineers and Scientists, and the President of the Toulouse Chapter. He has been a Member of the Regional Social, Economic and Environmental Council of Occitanie.

Author of 29 publications, papers and contributions to reports.


International Astronautical Congress 2017

25-29 September 2017

Adelaide, Australia

