Sabine Heinz

Born in Gera, living and working in Berlin.
1981 – 1983 Apprenticeship as Secretary.
1988 – 1990 Apprenticeship as Window dresser.
1992 – 1993 Study of Graphics and Design at the “Studiengemeinschaft Darmstadt”.
Since 1993 Participation in different curses and workshops:

  • Etchings,
  • Collage,
  • Nudes.

2002 – 2009 Member of the Studio „Otto Nagel“, Berlin.
2005 – 2007 Study of Arts at „Kunstgut“, Berlin.

Sabine Heinz lives and works as a partially freelance artist in Berlin. The subjects of her work are landscapes, humans and, since 2009, space art as well. In doing so, she explores varies techniques such as printing, collage, mixed media and ipad drawings and collages, some of which she animates. She experiments with different materials and tries to build a bridge between art and science. What inspired me most, in my art work: Evolution of humankind and its cosmic destiny. The beauty, the mistery and the majesty of the universe. Space X and Elon Musk. Space exploration. Space settlement. Expanding civilization into space. Moon, Mars, asteroids and be-yond. Art movements, such as surrealism, space art, art in space. Gerard O'Neill's big rotating orbital towns. Science and Technology. The natural beauty of Planet Earth and other planets. Humans, the people of Planet Earth. Social themes and needs.
