Stefanie RUEL

Open University, UK • Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Organizational Behavior in the Department for People and Organizations

Stefanie Ruel – mother to four children, early career academic, life scientist - received her Bachelor of Science from McGill University, Canada. She also holds a Master of Business Administration and a Doctorate in Business Administration from Athabasca University, Canada. She is the recipient of Athabasca University’s 2020 Distinguished Alumni Award and the Convocation Scholarship for Academic Excellence, graduating top of her cohort. She was awarded the prestigious Academy of Management Critical Management Studies Division’s 2018 Best Dissertation Award. Her research is also recognized via various other awards including most recently the Emerald Literati 2020 Outstanding Paper award.

Dr. Ruel was a Mission Manager at the Canadian Space Agency, leading more than ten life sciences missions into space before moving to academia. She is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) at The Open University, Faculty of Business and Law, in the UK. Her research focuses on both historical and contemporary concerns in STEM contexts. Her research suggests social justice initiatives to help move individuals and society away from systemic discriminatory practices in organizations. She is currently working on two major research initiatives, one on sharing the experiences of the Canadian Alouette women during the Cold War and the other an Academy of Finland funded research initiative looking at the experiences of women in the video game industry in Canada and in Finland.
