Stéphane MERMOZ

GlobEO • Researcher (CESBIO), Founder

Stéphane Mermoz completed his PhD in 2010 at University of Rennes I in Computer Sciences and Telecommunications and earned a PhD in Hydrologic Sciences at University of Quebec.

Stéphane Mermoz joined the Center for the Study of the Biosphere from Space (CESBIO) in 2011 with a postdoctoral grant from the CNES and has been working there since. He founded in 2018 a company called GlobEO (Global Earth Observation) that focuses on large-scale vegetation monitoring from space.

Stéphane Mermoz has been involved and/or has led around twenty research projects funded by the European Commission, the European Space Agency (ESA) and the CNES. He wrote and co-wrote more than twenty-five scientific articles published in peer-reviewed journals.


International Astronautical Congress 2022

18-22 September 2022

Paris, France
