Moscow State University (MSU) • Head of the Laboratory of Space Research

Vladimir Kalegaev is head of the Laboratory of Space Research working in Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics (SINP) of Moscow State University (MSU). His area of interests is the study of global electrodynamics of the Earth's magnetosphere: solar wind-magnetosphere coupling, dynamics of large-scale magnetospheric current systems, radiation conditions in space, charged particle fluxes variations during magnetospheric disturbances. Vladimir Kalegaev is the head of Space Monitoring Data Center (SMDC) of SINP MSU and leads a scientific group that studies the radiation conditions in the Earth's space environment, based on satellite and on-ground data. He develops information systems to build reliable forecasts of key magnetospheric parameters and analysis of current geophysical and radiation conditions in the near-Earth space.


The Global Space Exploration Conference 2021

14-18 June 2021

St. Petersburg, Russia
