Volodymyr Ben

Born on February 09, 1976 in Kirovohrad Region, Ukraine.

His academic background includes studying at the Kyiv Air Force Institute, graduating in 1998, and obtaining a PhD in Aircraft Manufacturing Technology in 2004.

Mr. Ben spent twenty-five years building his career in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. For a significant part of this period, he worked in an organization engaged in quality control of rocket and space technology.

Since 2018, as a civilian, he has been working as the first deputy head of one of the above-mentioned institutions.

Many years of work in the aviation and space industry have given him an extremely deep base of technical theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of aviation and space technologies, standardization, production process organization, quality control, and resource management.

Mr. Ben is the author of 25 published scientific papers, including one monograph, on aerospace engineering, particularly materials science. In 2021, Mr. Ben was appointed the First Deputy Head of the State Space Agency of Ukraine, and since the end of 2022 he has held the position of the Acting Head of the SSAU.
