KEYNOTE 3: Space for Integrated Risk Management

Location: Conference Room 4th floor Radisson Montevideo Victoria Plaza Hotel
Tuesday 22 May 2018, 11:30 – 11:45

The Mexican Space Agency is one of the most recent space agencies established in the world. Created in 2010 by Presidential Decree, started operations in 2012. However, a relevant budget and authorization for hiring staff was released until 2013.
The involvement of the Mexican Space Agency in the risk management sector within the country, has been a big challenge for AEM in terms of its contribution to the national security.
The aim of my presentation is to demonstrate how Mexico is getting involved and experiencing significant growth in the space sector, including the use of space technology for the integrated risk management being a recently stablished agency, and considering all the shortcomings that are involved in such situation. This could be an example for other emerging space agencies or for countries planning to create their own space agency.


Director of Space Security, Agencia Espacial Mexicana (AEM)


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the electric factory
Uruguay Natural

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De interés ANII



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