Technical programme
For this year’s Global Space Exploration Conference we have an exciting Technical Programme that awaits you. In total there are 329 accepted abstracts from 22 different countries. These abstracts will either be presented in one of our 25 Technical Sessions or as a Poster presentation. (Please see session schedule on the right)
There will be a dedicated Poster and Cocktail Reception on Thursday 8 June 13:00-14:30. Almost 100 posters are expected to be presented. This will be a great opportunity to network and to discuss with the authors.
1. Scientific Objective and Infrastructure of Space Exploration](
Then novel scientific objective and method of space exploration have being suggested and discussed through the critical assimilation of the old. This session will cover the new ideas of near future manned missions of the Moon and deep space, as well as the new sciences and technologies. The results from long period demo experiments on the Earth are also the hot topics.
2. Space Laboratory, Space Station and Space Exploration
Space stations are a stepping stone for and key element of human space exploration. This session will cover technology developments for existing space stations and instrumentation development to further improve technologies and prepare for future exploration. This also includes operational aspects as well as future concepts for space stations in LEO and beyond.
3. Lunar Exploration
The Moon is a key destination in the near term plans for international and commercial space exploration over the coming decade. This track presents recent lunar mission results; upcoming planned robotic lunar missions; analyses, simulations & technology preparations; and views forward to near term human exploration of cislunar space and the lunar surface. The track illustrates an unprecedented diversity in lunar exploration today, from the growing number of national endeavours to the exciting emergence of commercial lunar enterprise that together promise to dramatically shape the future of modern lunar and planetary space exploration.
4. Exploration of Near Earth Asteroids
Near Earth Asteroids are of great interest for science, exploration, mitigation of possible threat to Earth and resources utilization (mining). They are explored now and in the coming years with multiple robotic missions from several nations. This session will cover science, instruments and technologies for Asteroid missions including expected experiments. Papers on exploration, impact mitigation, flight dynamics in the low-g environment and scientific topics are welcome.
5. Mars Exploration
The exploration of Mars is in the strategic agenda of all the spacefaring nations. Multiple robotic missions are on-going and others are planned in the years to come to prepare for the human exploration of the planet. This session will present the main results of the on-going missions and the scientific and technology missions’ objectives and architectures of the near-term missions planned at international level.
6. Exploration of Other Destination
While more unknown worlds were explored, there are more new unknowns coming up for further exploration. New destinations including Venus, icy moons and planets beyond our solar system will need new methods and technologies. We expect that track 6 will inspire new ideas for future exploration and make that happen in the future.
7. Entering into Space and New Energy and Propulsion Technology
The ability of entering into space is the basis of space exploration. The new energy and propulsion technology are strong supports to entering space and space exploration. This track will cover expendable launch vehicles, reusable launch vehicles, new concepts of space transportation system, advanced propulsion and energy technologies. The innovative concepts are welcome particularly.
8. Key Technology of Space Exploration
The Track addresses examination and identification of key elements of space exploration missions, especially those driven by advanced technologies and innovations. Papers are solicited that address how to shape the future subsystems, technologies, innovations, logistics, processes, procedures, etc. to enable or significantly improve future human and robotic space mission objectives. Also, lessons learned from past missions and their application to future missions are essential topics in this Track.
9. Challenges of Life Support/Medical Support for Manned Space Exploration
The Technologies for Life Support and Medical Support is crucial for the Manned Space Exploration where the support or logistics from the ground is significantly difficult. In this session, the status of a variety of technologies for this area such as Technology and System for Life Support, Medical Support for the Passengers of Exploration Missions, Health and Efficiency of Mankind, Reduce the Risks of Flights, and Improve the Living Quality will be presented from the world-wide researchers.
10. Values and New Models for Space Exploration
The emergence of private sector initiatives in space exploration is triggering a debate on the role of public versus private sector in advancing the global space exploration undertaking. While commercial space is driven by profit-motivations and clearly established business cases, investments in public space exploration are generally justified by the generation of broader societal benefits. This track provides insights into benefit management practices implemented by space agencies and more broadly the economic dimension of space exploration. Future space exploration visions building on the co-existence and inter-relation between commercial, public and philanthropic initiatives are presented.
11. Law Issues and Public Awareness Related to Space Exploration
The session will discuss the international space cooperation and legal supervision concerning to space exploration,including space natural resources exploration, satellite navigation and low-orbit the same time, the session will sumarise the space technology industry development and space ethic in 60 years’ space exploration.
12. International Cooperation for Space Exploration
International Cooperation is increasingly prevalent in human and robotic space exploration endeavors. As missions become more complex, international cooperation is strengthening as a way to accomplish exploration objectives for a broader set of stakeholders. This session will explore how international cooperation can be used to further both government and private sector interests in space exploration.
13. Small Satellites
Compared with larger satellite, the features of small satellite are advanced, fast, cheap and responsive. Their use is very wide, and their commercial operation has been achieved in various domains such as communication, earth observation and science. Small satellites are now an efficient and attractive solution for space exploration, where they can either perform valuable missions autonomously, or be used as auxiliaries to enhance the results of a main – larger – spacecraft. This track will focus on new concepts of space exploration using small satellite, constellation or formation and related technologies, including missions for deep space exploration and manned space missions. The commercialization and application scenario will be also be discussed.