Plenary 4: How to Build a Space Ecosystem
Day: Wednesday 18 May 2022
Time: 14:00 - 15:10
Whilst an understanding of the key elements of a space ecosystem is vital, it is also important to understand how a country or region goes about establishing such an ecosystem and the resource requirements needed for such an undertaking. The planning and initial implementation phase is critical, as it determines the long-term sustainability and robustness of a national or regional space ecosystem. Getting this phase wrong could mean long-term adverse impacts in correcting shortcomings in the establishment phase. The session will focus on:
- Understanding the framework that could be used in developing a national or regional space ecosystem and how this intersect with other sectors of the economy.
- Sharing knowledge and learning of alternative financial models adopted in other countries or regions in establishing space ecosystems.
- Identifying the base infrastructure required for developing an efficient and effective space ecosystem.
- Grasping the role played by academia in developing the requisite knowledge and skills required for establishing a space ecosystem.
Keynote Speaker

Professor, Thunderbird School of Global Management and Imperial College London
United States

Carlos Julio EMANUEL
Board Member, Leviathan Space Industries and Former Finance Minister of Ecuador