Plenary 5: Co-evolution of the Space Ecosystem

Day: Wednesday 18 May 2022
Time: 15:20 - 16:30

A space ecosystem is not a static environment but is rather a dynamic and constantly evolving system. It is imperative to understand the different stages of the evolving system and what is required for each of these stages so that proper planning and implementation can be appropriately instituted. In addition, the governance architecture needs to keep in step with the evolving landscape to ensure proper oversight and resourcing. The session will focus on:

  1. Understanding the different stages of an evolving space ecosystem and what underpins each of these stages.
  2. Understanding the different and changing business models and macro structure that aligns to the changing space ecosystem.
  3. Understanding the skills development strategy and the role of government, industry and academia in the context of a changing ecosystem.
  4. Understanding the evolution of private space sector institutions from the start-up phase to the fully operational phase into the maturity phase.

Keynote Speaker


Director General, Agencia Espacial Mexicana (AEM)



Masami ONODA

Head of International Relations and Research Department, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)

United States



Strategy and Business Development Director, Azercosmos Space Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan


Charles MWANGI

Director Space Sector and Technology Development, Kenya Space Agency (KSA)


Danilo SAKAY

Senior Space Project Analyst, Brazilian Space Agency (AEB)


Armengol TORRES

Aerospace Senior Consultant
