Abstract submission FAQ
When can I submit an abstract for the IAC2013?
Abstracts can be submitted from 11 November 2012 to 21 February 2013 18:00 (CET time). No abstracts will be accepted after this deadline.
What is the typical structure of an abstract?
An abstract must have a title, co-author(s’) list and a max. 400-word paper summary.
What is the maximum number of words my abstract can contain?
The abstract text is strictly limited to 400 words. If your abstract exceeds this limit, you will be prompted to reduce it to be able to submit it online.
Can I include a table, graph or image in my abstract?
An abstract should only contain words and numbers. No table, graph or picture should be added to it.
Where can I read more about the IAC technical programme?
The IAC technical programme breaks down in 5 categories (A, B, C, D, E), each comprising a number of symposia, which in turn break down into technical sessions. These are all detailed in the IAC2013 Technical Programme pdf document that is available here.
Which are the available presentation formats?
When submitting your abstract, you will be prompted to choose how you would like to present your paper during the IAC if selected by the International Programme Committee.
– Oral: Abstract will ONLY be considered for an oral presentation. If not selected, it will be rejected.
– Poster: Abstract will ONLY be considered for a poster presentation. If not selected, it will be rejected.
– Oral or poster: Abstract will be considered for BOTH oral and poster presentations. This option allows participation in both categories. If rejected for an oral presentation, abstract will be AUTOMATICALLY selected for a poster presentation.
How do I submit an abstract?
Before you can submit an abstract, you must create an account at www.iafastro.net. One or several abstracts can be submitted through that same account.
To submit abstracts, login into your account and click on “My Papers”, then “Add new abstract”. You will be redirected to a page inviting you to fill-in your abstract information.
In the abstract submission system, please follow the following 4 steps to create and submit your abstract:
- a) Select the Symposium and Technical Session to which you are submitting your abstract.
- b) Enter your abstract title and text
- c) Select presentation format (oral, poster, oral or poster)
- d) Submit your abstract
Once your abstract has been submitted, you are allowed to modify it and/or add co-authors until the submission deadline. No modifications will be accepted after the submission deadline.
Who selects the abstracts and decides how they are presented?
All submitted abstracts will go through a blind peer-review process carried out by the International Programme Committee (IPC). The IPC makes the final selection of abstracts included in the IAC programme.
I am not sure which technical session is most appropriate for my abstract. What should I do?
Select the technical session that most closely represents your work. If needed, IPC members will to reassign abstracts to the most appropriate category.
How many co-authors can I include in the authors’ list?
The number of co-authors per abstract is unlimited. A person can be listed as a co-author if he/she has made a substantive contribution to the submission.
How do I change the abstract I submitted (if it contains a mistake or data has changed for example)?
You can change your abstract anytime BEFORE the submission deadline by logging into your personal abstractsubmission page and selecting the “edit abstract” option from the left-hand menu.
May I submit more than one abstract?
Yes, you are allowed to submit an unlimited number of abstract following the above instructions.
How do I know that my abstract submission is complete?
Once successfully submitted, the uploading status of your abstract should change to “successfully uploaded”.
In which language should I write my abstract?
Please note that English is the only language that should be used. Abstracts submitted in other languages will not be reviewed by the IPC.
My abstract has been accepted for oral presentation, can it move to a different session?
No, the session stated in the confirmation email is final.
When will I know if my abstract has been accepted or rejected?
You will receive an email notification, following the review process, on 17- 19 April 2013. If you are accepted, this will include details on your presentation format and instructions for the submission of your presentation slides or poster.