EarthMoonMars : Involving Everyone
Friday 5 October 2018, 12:00 – 13:00
Location: Bremen Conference Center – DLR Hall
It is time to debate how to involve everyone as a Global community to benefit from Earth. Moon and Mars space activities. The panelists will review recent EarthMoonMars key space missions and projects. They will discuss potential EarthMoonMars research (Earth observations, science and environment monitoring, planetary & space science, human spaceflight, astrobiology, astrophysics, technologies, life support, operations, technical validation and development). They will debate benefits and values of an EarthMoonMars approach for engaging everyone. The panel will address various aspects & questions from the community e.g.:
- What are current EarthMoonMars missions & plans for different space agencies and space actors?
- Why EarthMoonMars ? How to engage Earth community to support and invest in space?
- How to promote EarthMoonMars data and science for new users groups, public and youth ?
- What are Knowledge Gaps and precursor robotic missions for MoonMars and how do they build on activities on Earth or Earth orbit?
- How do MoonMars activities contribute to address Earth problems and bring benefits?
- How to make EarthMoonMars missions contribute to Global Sustainable Development Goals
- What technical & research synergies between space missions around Earth , on the Moon or Mars ?
- What infrastructures in Earth-Moon sphere, on the Moon or Mars surface to benefit multiple users?
- What is the role of small or emerging space countries and new partners? How to use cubesats?
- How to collaborate effectively between countries, agencies and new stakeholders?
Organized by:

Bernard FOING
Executive Director, International Lunar Exploration Working Group (ILEWG), EuroMoonMars, Chair IAF ITACCUS Committee

CEO, Blue Planet Foundation, Chair PISCES & HI-SEAS, Founder International Moonbase Alliance
United States

SGAC Scholarships Coordinator, German Aerospace Center (DLR)

Director of Scientific Projects, Analog Astronaut Training Center