What Will Shape the Future of European Launchers?
Wednesday 3 October 2018, 09:40 – 10:40
Location: Bremen Conference Center – DLR Hall
Acknowledging that launchers have always been the hyphen between Earth and space, this GNF event will enable interesting exchanges on how Europe sees its space transportations’ future evolutions and what could be the potential roadmap to face and contribute to the upcoming changes and challenges. Next to expansion of space sciences and human experiences in Outer Space including future space logistics the new challenges will embrace eco-efficient “greener in space” transportation from Europe.
The launchers’ landscape is about to experience a radical reshuffling with a new generation expected by the next decade, in Europe and worldwide. What would be the future missions and their impact for the European launchers sector?
From the one-way ticket for satellites, to the back and forth trip needed by Moon-based activities, todays Space launch services have to face future space logistic challenges with some similarities with today’s Earth based logistics.
With regard to such future space logistics it is obvious that the protection of Space Environment becomes an important issue. Europe’s vision should be to utilize green launcher systems for transporting in space and maintaining other space assets by on-orbit servicing and refueling.
Organized by:
Science Journalist, Senior Science Reporter German Public Radio
Senator of Economic Affairs, Labour and Ports, Bremen Senate
CEO, ArianeGroup Gmbh