C4.9 Test Complex M11: Research on Future Orbital Propulsion Systems and Scramjet Engines
Session: 9 – Hypersonic Air-breathing and Combined Cycle Propulsion
Room: 143A
Time: 09:45
Test Complex M11 is a part of the Institute of Space Propulsion of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) at the European Research and Test Site for Chemical Space Propulsion Systems in Lampoldshausen. Test Complex M11 is home of the Department of Propellants, where research and test activities are focused on advanced storable propellants for satellites and orbital propulsion systems to replace hydrazines in the whole operational range. A short historical overview of test complex M11 will be given. Main criteria for propellants selections based on mission targets shall furthermore be given and discussed. Research activities for supersonic and hypersonic flows for Ramjet and Scramjet engines research activities are presented. Research and development work, infrastructure of the test complex with its 6 testbeds will be presented with its test envelopes and a short overview over planned modifications for the next decade will be given.