Sunday 24 October
14:00 – 15:00 Al Multaqua Ballroom at Dubai World Trade Center (DWTC)
IAF International Meeting for Members of Parliaments Press Conference.
Members of the press will have the opportunity of asking questions to the parliamentarians or representatives from the ministries attending the event. A coffee break will be served.
- Chris Schacht, Former Senator and Minister – Australia
- Wolfgang Sobotka, President of the National Council – Austria
- Christian Hafenecker, Member of National Council – Austria
- Andrei Korobeinik, Head of the Space Support Group Riigikogu - The Parliament of the Republic of Estonia
- Paul Liias, Head of Space at Economic Development Department – Estonia
- Raivo Tamm , Member of Parliament Riigikogu - The Parliament of the Republic of Estonia
- Bastien Lachaud, Member of Parliament, Assemblée Nationale – France
- Dionysia – Theodora Avgerinopoulou, Chair, Special Permanent Committee of Environmental Protection of the Parliament, Hellenic Parliament - Greece
- Hanan Rettman, International Affairs Division, Knesset - Israel
- Dmytro Natalukha, Chairman of the Committee of economic development Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
- Jerzy Materna, Member of the Polish Parliamentary Space Group, Polish Parliament
- Bogusław Wontor, Chairman of the Polish Space Group, Polish Parliament
Monday 25 October
All Press Conferences as of Monday will take place in ‘Pavilion A’ located on the Ground Floor at Dubai World Trade Center
15:00 – 15:45 Heads of Agencies Press Conference
The Heads of Agencies Press conference will give the audience (mainly press representatives) the opportunity to directly address the Heads of Agencies asking relevant and challenging questions.
16:00 – 17:00 Orbital Ventures fund
Promus Ventures, the leading deep tech and software VC specialist, is pleased to announce that Orbital Ventures (“the Fund”), the public-private partnership venture capital investment fund focused on early-stage space-related companies, has closed at a final €[120]m, significantly above its initial €[100]m target following strong demand. The Ministry of the Economy of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the Luxembourg Space Agency have also invested in the fundraise, entrenching Luxembourg’s long-standing commitment to unlock the economic potential of the space industry. The European Investment Fund joins with a €[40m] cornerstone investment, further adding to the Fund’s considerable international exposure.
Anchored in Luxembourg and managed by VC specialist Promus Ventures, Orbital Ventures will provide equity funding for early-stage new space companies with ground-breaking ideas and technology across the world, while prioritising technologies and innovations based in the EU.
- F.Fayot, Ministre de l’économie et Pierre Festal – Partner, Promus Ventures.
- Mario Grotz, President & Board of Directors, Luxembourg Space Agency
Tuesday 26 October
10:00 – 10:35 Presentation of the ESRIC Start Up Support Programme– the world’s first start-up support programme dedicated to Space Resources
Based in Luxembourg and launched in November 2020, the European Space Resources Innovation Centre (ESRIC) fosters innovation and growth in the space resources field. ESRIC’s activities are based on four main pillars: space resources research and development, support for economic activities, knowledge management, and community management.
Located in Luxembourg, the ESRIC start up support programme (SSP) is the world’s first incubation programme dedicated to commercial initiatives in the field of space resources utilization. The SSP will support the specific needs of early-stage ventures/start-ups to prove their technological value proposals and enable the development of near-term sustainable business models targeting terrestrial/space applications and Space Resources utilization.
During the press conference, **Mathias Link, ESRIC Director, will present the SSP with a specific focus on the benefits it will bring to the startups supported through the programme, while the ESRIC partners will explain their involvement and develop on the importance of such an initiative for the Space Resources sector, and the international space sector in general.
- Franz Fayot, Minister of the Economy of Luxembourg
- Mathias Link, ESRIC Director
- Elodie Viau, Director of Telecommunications and Integrated Applications, European Space Agency
- Geraldine Naja, Director of Commercialisation, Industry and Procurement, European Space Agency
- Thomas Kallstenius, CEO of the Luxembourg Institute for Science and Technology
- Mario Grotz, President of the Board of Directors, Luxembourg Space Agency
11:00 – 12:00 Open Cosmos Press Conference
- Rafel Jorda Siquier, CEO & Founder, Open Cosmos
- Aleix Megias Homa, VP of Operations, Open Cosmos
- Florian Deconinck, VP, Institutional Partnerships and Future missions, Open Cosmos
- Carlos Fernandez de la Pena, VP of Satellite Data and Services