Investing in Space Start-Ups: Their Evolution During 2020

Day: Thursday 28 October
Time: 13:40 -14:25 GST
Location: Sheikh Rashid Hall F, Dubai World Trade Centre

The workshop, organized by E. Amaldi Foundation (FEA), aims to present the ecosystem of start-ups in the space sector by examining the investment scenario and its evolution during the year 2020. In recent years the space industry has grown rapidly thanks to the advent of the New Space Economy that had the power to pave the way to stimulate, on all scales, a strong growth and a more sustainable development for our planet.

In the first part of the event will be analyzed the critical economic and financial landscape caused by the recent pandemic and the repercussions that the space industry has suffered in this period. The pandemic has in fact generated growing concerns in this scenario of strong growth causing a general decrease in investments. With specific regard to investments in space start-ups - key players in the space sector that promote a strong source of economic growth in the country - its decrease has turned out to be rather limited bringing the year 2020 within a few steps of the previous year in terms of number of investments.

This last theme, and in particular the assessment and analysis of the landscape of investments in space start-ups for the year 2020, both national and European, will be the focus of the second part of the event that will involve the actors of the space ecosystem through the presentation of international reports and data platforms on the trends of space investments.

This session is organized by



Senior Industrial Policy and Technology Transfer Manager, Fondazione E. Amaldi




Head of Strategic Coordination Area, Italian Space Agency (ASI)



Head of the Industrial Policy and SME Division, European Space Agency (ESA)


Maria Cristina FALVELLA

General Inspector, Italian Space Agency (ASI), President, Fondazione E. Amaldi



Secretary General, Fondazione E. Amaldi


Manny SHAR

Managing Director, Orbit Fab

United Kingdom