The Mega-constellation Ecosystem: What industrial and regulatory elements are necessary for a thriving market?
Day: Tuesday 26 October
Time: 14:35 -15:35 GST
Location: Sheikh Rashid Hall F, Dubai World Trade Centre
There is now a new optimism surrounding the viability of the mega-constellation. In fact, some are starting to feel confident that more than one of the constellations in development has a chance. What’s different now?
This session will bring together the mega-constellation ecosystem, makers of ground systems, dispenser manufacturers, launch providers, and regulatory experts from around the world to answer this question. Together they will address what technical solutions and sustainable business models are best adapted to a global marketplace that desperately needs ubiquitous, uninterrupted and affordable connectivity.
This session is organized by
Executive Vice President for Government Affairs and Public Policy, Voyager Space Holdings Inc.
United States