Roundtable ESA Ministerial 2022
Day: Sunday 18 September
Time: 17:15 - 18:10 CEST
Location: Room N01, Level 3, Hall 7, Paris Convention Centre
We are at D-2 Months of a major milestone: the ESA Council meeting at ministerial level (CM22).
What does it mean? What is at stake? Why is ESA Director General proposing to his Member States a major step up for the European space Programmes? After a very successful ministerial meeting back in 2019 (Sevilla, Space19+), CM22 represents a package that is a proposed increase of 25% of the budget over three years. Why is this so important, now?
The panel composed of representatives of ESA Member States will exchange on the spirit that is animating this new ambition. How space benefits the European citizens, day after day and how space provides essential instruments in current global crisis such as the Climate Change or the war in Ukraine. Key questions, key players to set the stage on how the preparation for CM22 will lead to essential decisions in Paris on 23 November 2022.
This session is organized by

Director General, Swedish National Space Agency (SNSA)